Lucas Parra on the roof, with his hard-won solar panels behind him. Photo: Meg Duff
Fifteen years ago, Lucas Parra began conjuring up ideas for how to use the rooftop of his condo’s building to the advantage of both the environment and the building’s residents. But it wasn’t until a few years ago that the roof actually needed a repair — sufficient time for Parra, a faculty member at City College in Biomedical Engineering, to join the board and lead the initiative.
Driven by his long-held values of environmental sustainability due to his upbringing in Germany, Parra joined his condo board specifically to see this project get done. It wasn’t without its challenges, though.
While Local Law 97 wasn’t the primary motivator for Parra and the board as they undertook this project, the new solar panels will help them meet the first set of building emissions standards set by the law. They’re cognizant, however, that the emissions standards will get stricter over time.
“The solar panels, I think, helped us avoid the 2027 fines, but we’re still scheduled to get a fine of $10,000 in 2030,” said Parra.
The board’s primary motivation was to reduce energy bills, which Parra believes to be of greater import and financial incentive than the fines themselves.
“That was my argument. It doesn’t matter what you think about the environment, you’re going to save money,” said Parra. “But I had to allay fears. People were afraid that we were taking a big loan. So I had to make spreadsheets on how it is going to pay off and how we’re going to do the loan. And the reality is, our roof needed to be replaced anyway.”
As Parra tried to convince residents of the project’s merit ahead of a building-wide vote, his leading argument for solar was the tax break that would come with it for investing in energy efficiency.
“We had to tell a good story,” said Parra. “There was always a possibility that the meeting wouldn’t be persuasive enough, and the whole thing wouldn’t have happened. Some people felt like we shouldn’t be spending money on this. But I kept coming back to [the idea that] this gives us a way of getting cheap money for the roof. And as a bonus, we’re going to have solar. And you’re going to get a tax break, because it’s a capital investment. Since the roof work was also for energy, we bundled a fair bit of the total cost into this tax credit.”
In the end, the project created a symbiotic relationship: Solar was a great doorway for the building to get a larger loan for the roof repair, and the roof repair allowed them to add insulation underneath, which broadened the reach of energy-saving capabilities.
Parra hopes for a more straightforward, city-driven process that will allow for more comprehensive, accessible information for buildings seeking to greenify their energy.
“Solar is the thing that everybody understands,” he said. “But along with insulation and heating, I now realize it’s only a small fraction of what you need to do about energy.”
And the learning curve for each green energy project is steep.
“Every single project is individually initiated — it doesn’t scale,” said Parra. “The current approach is, ‘We’re going to fine you if you don’t do it.’ It’s not well conceived. The city should come up with something that’s like, ‘Here’s the website, if you want to do something about the environment, click yes, yes, and yes.’ And now you’re in business. That would scale. The city passing laws and giving people fines is, I think, not the way to go about it.”